Marketing Consulting
Solid Stratagems is committed to helping our clients implement an inbound marketing strategy superior to competitors.
Implementing The Inbound Marketing Strategy (The Company’s Journey)
- Research
- Identify Locations or Geographic Locations With The Highest Opportunity Score and Outlook
- Identify Products and Services With The Highest Opportunity Score and Outlook
- Domain Registration
- Research First
- Background Checks
- Registration Time Period
- Hosting
- VPS or Dedicated
- High End WordPress Themes
- High Performance
- Lightweight
- Minimal File Requests
- Blazing Fast
- Responsive
- Content Delivery Networks
- MaxCDN
- Create Remarkable and Compelling Content
- Less is More
- Don’t Make Me Think
- Search Engine Optimization
- More Consistent
- Content Frequency
- Content Volume
- Content Freshness
- Content Up Time
- Higher Quality
- Hosting
- Files and Code
- Technical (html)
- More Experience
- Domain Age
- Page Age
- Popularity Age
- Trust Age
- More Consistent
- Analytics and Dashboards
- Relevance
- Bounce Rate
- Dwell Time
- Average # of Pages
- Popularity
- Shares
- Likes
- Comments
- Returning Visitors
- Links
- Trust
- Indexed Pages
- Crawl Frequency
- Page Speed Graph
- Traffic (Authority)
- Referral Traffic
- Organic Traffic
- Direct Traffic
- Relevance
- Conversion Rate Optimization (A/B Testing)
- Landing Page Optimization
- Pricing Structure Optimization
- Sign Up/On-boarding Optimization
- Social Media Strategy Implementation
- Incentive to Share
- Incentive to Connect
- Customer Relationship Management Software (CRM’s)
- Field Service CRM’s
- Social CRM’s
- Email Marketing Implementation
- Reputation Management
- Search Engine Profiles
- Review Sites
- Email Marketing Strategy Implementation